Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fraps, Premiere & Vegas Vids

With a significant portion of the course output requiring you to get a handle on capturing and composing video, everyone will have to get friendly with a few tools in this area.

Fraps is the first one, this allows you to capture the live real-time environments (like GMod and UT3) into video that you can manipulate later. As Nikolina briefly demoed to you in class last week, you can download the app straight off the net at It doesnt cost anything, if you dont mind having the watermark.

After you have some inspired clips of captured video, you will want to edit, cut, compose and manipulate them into something that delivers the messages, ideas and concepts you are after. For this you will want to use software like Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas, though the lighter weight apps such as Windows Movie Maker and Apple's iMovie will do some things for you.

Here are a few vids from Youtube showing you how to get started with Premiere:

Premiere Pro CS3 - Editing Basics Tutorial (shown above)
Creating Video Series *Tutorial 3 Editing in Premiere
TUTORIAL - Rendering for Youtube in Adobe Premiere Pro CS3
Premiere Pro CS3 Tutorial - SlowMotion
Jon Barry also has his titles tute and others as well.
There are heaps more of course, many for Premiere Pro which are still very useful.

There are plenty for Vegas as well like:
Sony Vegas for beginners part 1 (for Runescape)

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